One of my neighbors and I decided to start an Art/Craft group. We already have an informal sometimes weekly meeting of women on our street and nearby and decided to piggy back on that meeting. We decided on this format: that each person can bring their own thing or do something supplied by the host or their helper Or just show up and talk and snack as usual. For our first one, Susan hosted and I supplied decoupage/collage supplies. I also brought samples and books. Here are some of my samples, my ancester candle holders and my "decoupage under glass" plate.
And next examples are a frame I made for a decoupage class that I taught at a group home (they all made similar but bigger ones), and a different view of the ancester candle holders:
On the back I decided to go simple:
It was fun! Everyone looked at my decoupage books and most of the 6 of us worked on crafts. Susan showed her gorgeous glass on glass project which unfortunately I didn't get a pic of and she cut up some paper to for paper collage/mosaic. The other Kathy cut out the middle of some pretty cards to use as frames for the table numbers at her daughter's wedding. Marion knitted. Heidi brought a box of patterns and started to teach Jen about sewing. Only Jen wanted to try paper collage on an extra notebook that I brought, but she didn't get very far and asked if I'd bring the supplies back next week to her house.
And I finished something. I have a beautiful new phone message book. Everyone said "you mean your husband actually takes messages?!" Well, that's another matter.
I'm linking to Whatever Wednesday at Someday Crafts. Check out the awesome projects and ideas here.
Also go to LIT AND LAUNDRY's Finished for Friday to see other finished projects!