Here are two platters that I bought at a flea market last Saturday. Even tho they were $3 each, I couldn't resist because I already have an identical pink one from my mom. What is it about dishes! They are like pre-pyrex. Sitting in the middle of each are some things I found in our cellar. I was cleaning stuff out in preparation for having additional blown in insulation this week. Dh did it years ago but a recent thermal imaging showed gaps so we fixed it. Because we have aluminium siding it had to be done from the inside = many little holes in walls and baseboards, furniture pulled away from walls and stuff removed from closets. I'm sitting in the middle of a total mess!
Any way, the shell and plaster of paris thingy is a souvenir of a trip to Florida when I was around 7 or 8 years old. I want to paint the plaster of paris part, or cover it with sand or something. The shell box, I 'm not sure where it came from. I probably bought it at a yard sale 30 yrs ago. the box is made out of box board, a bit heavier than cereal box, and it is hinged with red tape. I love it. Inside is a shell pin that I believe was given to me as a child by a crafty neighbor and some shells.
Here is a close up of the box:
Be sure to check out the other Vintage thingys at Coloradolady! That's what I'll be doing as a reward for cleaning and picking up this mess. Tomorrow I'm going to the Boston Flower Show with a friend as a reward!